Monday, October 08, 2007

Stuck in Olgii

The next stop on our trip is a national park near the border with both Russia and China and we need a border permit to enter the park. Unfortunately the soldiers who run the border control office couldn't be bothered to show up for work this morning and they take lunch from 11 to 2 so we counldn't get the permit until this afternoon. By the time everything was arranged it was nearly 5 PM and so too late to get anywhere before dark today so we decided to stay in Olgii.

While I've got Internet access, here are a few more pictures from the eagle festival yesterday.

Also, here's a picture of a wolf that they kept chained up at the ger camp where we've been staying. You can't call this a pet as it was very feral. Also, I'm pretty sure they are keeping this to sell as bait for next year's festival. For the last event they release live animals, including a hobbled wolf, for the eagles to attack.


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