Thursday, September 27, 2007

Orkhon waterfall, Tsetserleg, and White Lake.

Following the night in the nomadic family's ger, we set off for another long day's drive to Orkhon waterfall. This was a very cold and windy day, and it even snowed for a while while we were going over the final pass into the Orkhon area.

The next morning I got up shortly after sunrise to walk around taking pictures of the beautiful area where the gers were located. After that we took a short hike over to see the waterfall.

After visiting the waterfall we drove to Tsenher hot springs. Interesting day - we tried to go over a mountain pass but the road was too muddy for our van so we had to backtrack and take the long way around. Unfortunately none of my pictures from that day are worth posting. The following day it was off to Terkhun Tsagaan Nuur (White Lake), passing through the district capital of Tsetserleg on the way.

We spent 4 nights at White Lake, which was a nice break from all the time spent in the van. These photos are all from the first 2 days.

I'll post pics from the rest of my time at White Lake and the trip back to UB in a day or two.


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