Thursday, July 13, 2006


Man am I ever glad I decided to come to Edirne. The town itself has a great feel and the sites (mostly mosques) here are absolutely magnificent. I'd have to say this is my favorite town I've visited since I left far eastern Turkey.

These photos are only a sampling and there will be more coming tomorrow. Hopefully the weather will be better in which case I am going to revisit most of what I saw today. Otherwise I'll at least post some more of what I took today.

Tomorrow afternoon I'm going to head back to İstanbul to run out my last day and a half in Turkey.


Blogger Özlem Özgöbek said...

I was just looking the blogs randomly and suddenly I saw pictures from every corner of my country, Turkey. It is really nice to see such a blog with many pictures and explanations about different countries in the world. I think you are a real traveler. Congratulations!

Thursday, July 13, 2006 2:48:00 PM  

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