Tuesday, July 04, 2006

A little bit from Ankara.

Ankara is a big, modern, characterless city with nothing much to see. The only real draw is the Museum of Anatolian Civilisations which contains finds from archeological sites all over Turkey. In fact most of the significant archological finds in Turkey (at least those that haven't been removed from the country by various European archeologists) are on display there.

With the exception of the last all of these photos are from the museum...

Tomorrow I will probably end up heading straight for Selçuk Atilla's unless it clears up. I had planned on visiting Afrodisias on the way but it is pouring all over this part of the country today and is forecast to continue doing so tomorrow. I'll be at Selçuk Atilla's for most of a week so I can always take a day trip back there in a few days.


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