Tuesday, June 20, 2006


At the suggestion of the guide from yesterday's tour two of us stopped on the way to Yusufeli today to see the Georgan Church of the Mother of God in the small village of İşhan.

Getting up to the church was quite interesting. Our bus dropped us on the side of the road in roughly the middle of nowhere, the tea shop where we had been told we could leave our backpacks was out of business, and İşhan is a steep 6 km hike up from the main road so carrying them was out of the question. After a while we decided to just lock the packs to a power-line pole in the middle of a field and set off up the hill. It was all worth it as the church was absolutely spectacular.

I think I have a combined rafting & kyaking trip arranged for tomorrow but need to finalize things when I get back to my guesthouse. Yusufeli itself is quite a nice little town nestled in a mountain valley on the banks of a tributary of the Çoruh river. If the trip falls through tomorrow may even stick around for a day or two if necessary.


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