Monday, June 12, 2006

The other Nemrut Mountain.

Rather than going all the way to Van yesterday I decided to stop in Tatvan on the western shore of Van Gölü (Lake Van) to see some of the surrounding area.

This morning I got up and took a trip up Nemrut Mountain. This is not the same Nemrut Mountain with the heads that I visited last week. There are actually two Nemrut Mountains in this region of Turkey. This one is the remains of a huge volcano. The caldera is something like 48 km in circumference and contains 5 separate lakes.

This afternoon I took another side trip to the nearbye town of Ahlat to see the Seljuk cemetary and tombs.

Tomorrow I'm going to continue on to Van, most likely stopping on the way to go see the Armenian church on Akdamar island.


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