Thursday, June 22, 2006

Shooting the Çoruh

The trip down the Çoruh yesterday turned into rafting only as the only Kayak was way too small for someone my height. This was probably for the best anyway as the rapids were quite a bit beyond anything I've done before and this may not have been the best place to find out I wasn't up to it. I haven't been rafting in at least 15 years so I had fun anyway although the trip was a bit short.

Although I took my camera along I was only able to get a couple shots when we stopped on the way. I would have liked to take a few photos on the river however the weren't any stretches of calm water that were long enough for me to dig my camera out of the dry-bag. Anyway, here are the two I took - one from break spot and one from the end. Nothing all that great here but they do show some of the scenery on the river.

The scenery around town was very beautiful and I wish I'd taken far more pictures that I managed. I liked the place I stayed a lot too and would have stayed an extra day except that a large group was arriving today and had the entire place reserved. Rather than moving to a different place I just left for Trabzon this morning as originally planned.

Here are a couple photos I took around Yusufeli yesterday afternoon...

Today was a long day on the bus getting to Trabzon. Tomorrow I am going to take a day trip to see the Sumela monestary which is the main reason to come here.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow - Yusefeli looks nice - reminds me of nepal for some reason. Would have been great to catch another great shot of you wiping out in the rapids, perhaps you should include a link back to that.


Friday, June 23, 2006 2:06:00 AM  
Blogger Brian said...

Yeah, Yusufeli was really nice. Too bad I couldn't stay longer but I'm pretty sure I'll be back some day though.

I didn't even make it into the rapids before I wiped out when I tried out the little kayak before deciding to raft instead. It was so pathetic that I certainly would not have posted a picture of it even if I had one. Here is that picture of me wiping out in the rapids in Laos though.

Friday, June 23, 2006 10:45:00 AM  

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