Friday, June 23, 2006

Sumela Monastery & The 'Little' Aya Sofya

Hope everyone is in the mood for more frescos as both sites I visited today were loaded with them. This morning I took a trip out to see the Sumela Monastery (Monastery of the Virgin Mary) in the mountains south of Trabzon. It was quite something, even though many of the frescos had been defaced with carved names and initials.

Then, after returing to Trabzon this afternoon I went over to see the Aya Sofya Museum in town.

Once again I am not quite certain what I am doing next. I had planned to leave tomorrow for Sivas but may stick around for another day as I haven't seen much of Trabzon itself yet.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Man you are getting a tan!!!

(btw - have you checked your otherone email account??)

Friday, June 23, 2006 6:51:00 PM  

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