Monday, June 19, 2006

Kars & Ani

Anyway, I decided to leave Doğubayazıt yesterday after all. Kars (where I am now) is supposed to be just a town you stay in as a base to visit the old Armenian capital city of Ani however it is actually a pretty nice town in and of itself. These first few photos are from sites in Kars.

There is no public transport to Ani I hired a van and driver for the day along with several other backpackers. On the way to Ani we stopped to see a couple other old Armenian churches. The first was mostly a ruin and none of my pictures were worth posting but the second church was quite nice.

Then it was on to Ani where we spent some 3 hours walking around taking it all in.

Tomorrow I am off to Yusufeli where I will hopefully be able to do some Kayaking on the Çoruh river.


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