Thursday, June 29, 2006

Enough with the #*%!& clouds already.

With the exception of my day in Sivas the miserable overcast weather has been stalking me around Turkey for the past week or so. This has probably not been obvious from my posts as I have been carefully selecting those few photos taken in the short gaps of patchy blue sky that have occasionally popped up. Ah well, I shouldn't complain too much after the 3 weeks of flawless weather I had prior to Trabzon.

In any case, the weather only bothered me a bit in Tokat as I was mostly there to try out their local type of Kebaps rather than for siteseeing (yes really). The Tokat kepabs are grilled lamb, eggplant, capsicum, and potato served with a big heap of roasted garlic on the side and taste even better than they sound. Between feasts I did manage to wander around the town and tried to take a few photos.

Today it was on to Amasya. This is a very pretty city and would be quite photogenic if it weren't for the above mentioned weather issues. Here are a few photos that I took during the 30 minutes when the sun was almost out.

I had originally planned on leaving Amasya tomorrow but I'm going to stay another day since it's a nice town and I'm not in too much of a hurry even though I am running a bit low on time. Hopefully I will be able to get a few photos between the thundershowers that are forecast. Otherwise I'm just going to sit in a bar all day as an alternative to my usual wandering around mumbling and shaking my fist at the sky routine.


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