Monday, September 10, 2007

Ulan Bator Pics

Ulan Bator isn't the most picturesque city on the planet. The city is fairly new and was mostly built by the Soviets who also managed to tear down the majority of the temples and other significant buildings of interest while they were at it. They did leave a few things of interest standing and I managed to visit the Gandentagchinlen Khiid monastery this afternoon.

As mentioned, the city itself isn't very photogenic. Here's one shot over the city taken on the way back from the Ganden Khiid though.

Tomorrow I'm leaving on a 2 week trip though the Gobi and parts of central Mongolia with a few other people. I expect I won't have any internet access until I return, although you never know.


Blogger Govardhan said...

Hi Brain,
Hope you remember me...Glad to see that your blog is active again...I was waiting for this day...
I wish you all the best in this new expedition...

Wednesday, September 19, 2007 5:40:00 AM  

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