Wednesday, October 03, 2007

Westward bound.

I'm in Khovd in western Mongolia and they have Internet access here in the central telecom office so I've got the opportunity to update a bit earlier than expected. Once again I'm enjoying the trip. This time we have a van and a jeep convoying with 7 of us plus the two drivers.

The first 2 days of this trip were covering ground that I'd already travelled on my previous trip as we had to go back past White Lake on the way out west. I'm posting a few pics anyway, mostly because the weather at Kharkhoram was much nicer than on my first visit so I have lots of nice outdoor pics of the monastery this time.

The next day's drive started to cover some new ground. We were supposed to make it to the village of Nomrog but decided to stop about 40 km short and camp by Telmen lake.

Yesterday (day four) was a long, but amazingly beautiful drive further west. Once again we stopped and camped short of our intended destination for the day. This time we didn't make it as far as planned partly because one of the drivers (mine) is less experienced and took the wrong path while the other driver was stopped changing a flat tire. By the time the van caught up with our jeep we were way off and had to take a 10 km off road trip back to the correct path. This was a blast and I'm half convinced it was all an intentional part of the trip to give up a bit of an adventure.

That brings me up to yesterday, which is all I have time for now. I'll try to get caught up from Olgii in a few days.


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