Friday, November 02, 2007

Xi'an City and the Terracotta Warriors

I don't have too much to say about Xi'an - it is a pretty large city although the old section where I am staying is pretty nice. Yesterday I spent most of the day wandering around Xi'an seeing some of the sights.

Then today I took a tour out to see the terracotta warriors, the reason for my visit. We also visited a few other minor sites but there wasn't really much of interest at any of them, so all of these remaining photos are of the Terracotta warriors and the associated museum at the site.

In other news, I may have caused a big problem for myself by coming here as it may not be possible to board a train at an intermediate station as conductors have the right to sell the berths for "no shows". If that's the case I may have to go all the way back to Beijing to get myself to Lhasa as it is difficult to get onwards tickets in Xi'an (the reason I bought a Beijing to Lhasa ticket in the first place). I won't know until tomorrow when I try to board the train. Hopefully my next post will be from Lhasa.


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