Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Amarbayasgalant Monestary, and a Mongolia Wrap Up.

The last day of the trip was a visit to the remote Amarbayasgalant Khiid in the northern part of the country. We were supposed to spend another night on the road but finished up early enough to make it back to Ulaan Baatar after visiting the monastery.

Although I've now been in UB for a few days I haven't taken any more pictures. Since I leave for Beijing first thing tomorrow morning that's pretty much it for Mongolia. For a change, here's an actual wrap up (Mongolia: The Good, The Bad, and the Unusual).

Mongolia: The Good
The incredible hospitality of the Mongolian people. It is still amazing to me that you can drive up to almost any Ger in the country and find a place to sleep with no hassle and little money. Likewise many people will offer a meal without expecting (or accepting) payment in return.

The scenery. My pictures don't do it justice.

Mongolia: The Bad
The Mongolian cuisine. Whatever you may hear to the contrary, Yak fat should never be used as a flavoring to liven up otherwise bland food.

Mongolia: The Unusual
Dead animal parts lying around all over the country. You can't walk 10 feet through a field without stumbling across a horse's hoof, a piece of backbone, or a skull.

Vodka bottles scattered around the minor holy sites. At first glance this appeared to be garbage and therefore somewhat disrespectful, but it seems the custom is that a container used to bring an offering must be left with the offering. Awfully convenient if the offering is the last couple drops of vodka in the bottle.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

The images get better and better. That blue dye in incredible!

Thursday, October 25, 2007 9:15:00 PM  

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