Saturday, October 27, 2007

Ulaan Baatar To Beijing

I took a few (very few) pictures on the way from Ulaan Bataar to Beijing, so here are a few as a kind of transition post between Mongolia and China.

This first picture from the train station in Ulaan Baatar is an experiment with High Dynamic Range (HDR) photography, something I've wanted to try for a while. The results are a bit noisy, probably because the exposures were taken without a tripod. I plan to play around with HDR some more so look for more of this type of thing in the future.

In the morning we came down through a very dramatic valley on the way into Beijing. These shots are from the short time I was standing by an open window with my camera.

No pictures of Beijing itself yet. The weather has been awful and I haven't really been in the mood for sightseeing yet anyway.

I'm not exactly sure what I'm doing next. I would like to stop in Xi'an on my way to Tibet to break the journey up and to take the opportunity to see the Terracotta warriors while I've got the chance. However, tickets to Lhasa are somewhat difficult to arrange, and the semi-mandatory TTB permits are apparently nearly impossible to get right now. Since I have someone in Beijing who can get the ticket for me without requiring the permit first it may make sense for me to just skip Xi'an and head straight for Lhasa.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I love the HDR photo!


Saturday, October 27, 2007 9:12:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

How did you do dat?? What a picture of the train station!

Saturday, October 27, 2007 5:50:00 PM  

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