Friday, July 31, 2009

More Bali Dives

Some pictures from my last two days diving in Bali... Most of these have been cleaned up on the computer, something I'm going to be doing more of with my underwater pictures from now on.

I'm leaving for Lombok shortly. With any luck I'll be back in the water by tomorrow.

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Selang and Jemeluk

Did three dives today. The first was mostly a drift dive in a very fast current so I didn't get many pictures (only the first of these is from that dive). Anyway, on to the pictures...

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Amed and More of The Liberty.

I'm still in Bali. I met up with one of my dive buddies from Koh Tao in Kuta so, instead of leaving directly for Lombok, I decided to stay and dive with him for a few days before he heads back to Thailand. I'm in Amed in the NE part of the island now. There are a whole bunch of reef dives here and it's only 20 minutes from Tulamben where the Liberty wreck lies.

Friday, July 24, 2009

The Liberty.

The Liberty, a freighter wreck just off the beach in Tulamben is is probably the largest wreck I've dived. Unfortunately most of the pictures I took of the wreck itself didn't come out so it's hard to tell I'm diving anything other than a normal reef in these shots. I'll be diving it again before I leave though.

That last shot is a Titan Triggerfish, the same species that was such a problem in Koh Tao. They seem much calmer here - the one in the picture was swimming right around me for a while and never popped it's trigger.

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Lovina & Menjangan Island.

I hadn't planned to spend much time on Bali but it's a nice change from Java and I'm enjoying it quite a bit.

And the diving's not bad either...

Tomorrow I'm diving the Liberty, a WWII freighter lying off the beach on the east of the island. After that I will probably head down to Kuta for a couple days before working my way to Lombok where the serious diving will resume.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009


Bromo was pretty cool with this unreal landscape over the Tennger caldera with multiple smaller volcanic cones in view.

I'm in Lovina in northern Bali now. I'll probably be here for a couple days - at least long enough to get in a few dives.

Saturday, July 18, 2009


There's not a whole lot to see in Solo, and one of the main sites was closed today due to some private event, but here are some of the very few pictures I managed to take. Most of these are from Puri Mangkunegaran, a palace that is still occupied by part of the local royal family.

Tomorrow I'm off to see the volcanoes at Gunung Bromo. I'm not sure if there is internet access in the little town where I'll be staying so I may be offline until I get to Bali in a few days.

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Borobudur and more of Yogyakarta

As expected I spent the morning seeing the rest of the Kraton (Sultan's Palace) in Yogyakarta. Here are a few pictures from the palace and surrounds.

I'd originally planned to pack up and move to Borobudur for a night but decided to just visit for the afternoon instead which was much less hassle. The draw at Borobudur is the largest Buddhist temple in the world. The Lonely Planet actually mentions it alongside Angkor Wat and Bagan which is pushing things a bit (it was quite impressive though).

Tomorrow I'm off to the nearby town of Solo.
All photographs copyright Brian A. Wilcox unless otherwise noted.

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