Tuesday, October 07, 2014

Mostly The Best Of Lembeh. Mostly.

With the exception of the Flamboyant Cuttlefish, which I've included only because I needed a second 'landscape' picture, these are the best pictures I took in Lembeh this year. The Flamboyant picture is by far the best I've taken of that particular critter though so it kind of fits.

I particularly like the picture of the white Ocellated Tozeuma shrimp, which is easily my favorite shot from Lembeh this year. If you look closely you can see portions of two others (that I didn't notice until looking at the picture on my computer) in the background. I'm also very happy to finally have a picture of a Harlequin shrimp to post. Although I did see a pair in the Similans in 2009/2010 I was never happy with any of my pictures that year and have been regularly asking dive operators if they could find some since then.

Anyway, that's it for Lembeh, and quite possible for this trip. I start making my way back to the US shortly and, unless I get some particularly good pictures while diving in Florida, this is likely to be the last post this year.

Wednesday, October 01, 2014

Three Nudibranchs, Two Cephalopods, and a Crustacean

Diving in Lembeh continues to be good, pictures below, etc...

I only have a few more days diving here before I start making my way back home. I already have a few "best of Lembeh" shots picked out though (and a whole bunch more photos I haven't finished working on yet) so expect one more Lembeh post. And I have a week of diving in Florida before I go back to work so hopefully that will result in another post as well - after that expect the usual hiatus.
All photographs copyright Brian A. Wilcox unless otherwise noted.

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