Thursday, October 27, 2016

Another trip complete.

I took very very few pictures my last two weeks in Indonesia and, while I have a few decent ones, nothing really stands out as worthy of posting. So that's pretty much it for this year. I do have another few days of diving in Cozumel with my Dad but I tend to doubt I'll post anything from that. You never know though,

Friday, October 07, 2016

Komodo 2016

I have a few minutes before the Ombak Biru leaves for my second trip so here's a quick dump of pictures from Komodo. Unfortunately I didn't manage to take very many good (or even acceptable) ones this year but here are a few.

Overall, Castle Rock was disappointing compared to my 2014 trip. Although it was still good there just wasn't the sheer mayhem I had on every dive there last time. Luckily Crystal Rock picked up some of the slack. And that said, my favorite picture from Komodo this year was taken at Castle (it's the one of the Trevally in the school of Surgeon fish).

The first set of pictures above were all from the local dives I did out of Labuan Bajo while the ones below are from the first trip on the Aggressor.

Note my first foray into black and white photography. This wasn't really intentional - I liked the composition of that picture but the colors weren't working out due to the poor quality of the original. So I switched it to B&W and liked the results a whole lot better.

Anyway, I'm off in a bit. Hopefully I will have enough worthwhile pictures from Taka Bone Rate so I can get one more post up before this trip is finished.

All photographs copyright Brian A. Wilcox unless otherwise noted.

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