Thursday, October 23, 2003

I decided to stay in Nha Trang and take the boat trip after all. Good move on my part! The trip ended up being as much a mobile party as sight-seeing tour. At one point they set up a floating bar off the side of the boat and served this awful sweat wine-ish drink. On the plus side there was a nearly unlimited quantity and it was free. And of course it was consumed while floating in life-preserver "seats which was a fun twist.

The boat had a surprisingly good sound system and a nice collection of tunes. Thankfully someone on the tour group took control early on and put a stop to the top 40 they started off with. We ended up with a mixture of classic rock and Latin jazz all day. Nice. At one point the captain and some of the deck hands plugged in some mics and an electric guitar and entertained us for a while.

For the serious part of the trip we stopped at a couple of the islands, visited a floating fishing village, and got some swimming and snorkeling in. The weather was great, if not quite as perfect as in Hoi An.

No pictures today though. Mostly because I didn't feel like dragging myself all the way down to the one cyber cafe I found which would allow me to plug in my camera. There seems to be some superstition about them in Nha Trang. Yesterday I went to at least a half dozen that wouldn't let me hook up the camera even though they all had USB ports. Weird.


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