Wednesday, October 22, 2003

Made it to Nha Trang and spent most of the day walking around. Compared to Hoi An there's not too much to see in Nha Trang itself - the beach is the main reason to come here.

I had my rabies fourth shot this morning at the Nha Trang branch of the Pasteur institute. They coordinate the vaccinations for all of the southern coastal region of Vietnam and actually manufacture the rabies vaccine. So it was a very professional setup and I was expecting it to be correspondingly expensive. Instead of the 150,000 Dong (about $10) I was paying in Hué it only cost 6000 Dong!

Tomorrow I will probably take a boat tour of the nearby islands, but I haven't decided yet. If the weather isn't great I may decide to head up to Dalat a day early instead.


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