Sunday, October 12, 2003

I'm back in Hanoi now after a 3 day tour to Halong Bay. The trip was fantastic. Halong Bay is one of those places where pictures can't even come close to capturing the impact of the scenery. I'm posting quite a few anyway.

The first day in Halong was spent on a cruise through the bay to a secluded cove where we spent the night on the boat. The third picture shows the boat from the first day, the "Dragon Pearl".

The second day was the highlight of the trip, touring the bay by sea-kayak. The night was spent in tiny cabins on an isolated beach on one of the islands. Unfortunately I don't have any great pictures from the Kayak trip. The first picture was taken on the boat in the morning on the way to the Kayaking base camp. The second picture shows the beach and the base-camp where we spent the night after the Kayack trip.

The last day (today) we finished the trip with another cruise back to Halong city on one of the larger boats. These final pictures show some of the trip back, including a visit through a floating village. Fishing famillies live full time on floating houses, and occasionally the entire village will migrate around the bay. This village is large enough that they actually have a floating schoolhouse.

The entire Halong Bay trip was amazing. The coordination from the tour company was impressive as we hopped from boat to boat for different parts of the trip. We had a good group on the tour and I met some interesting people. Had a nice conversation with this guy and his girlfriend on the boat trip back to the base camp yesterday.

It's time to start working my way south so tomorrow I leave Hanoi for good. I'm taking an early bus down to Ninh Bihn where I plan to spend a day or two. Ninh Binh is only about 60 miles or so from Hanoi but it's the first step on my way south to Saigon.


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