Tuesday, December 09, 2003


I'm in Vientiane for the afternoon but I have to make a side trip down to Bangkok to have my camera repaired. I managed to crack the LCD on Sunday on the way to Tham Lot Kong Lo cave. The camera still works, however it's nearly useless w/out the screen so I think it's worth the hassle to get it fixed. Plus I have some other things that I can take care of in Bangkok while I'm there.

Even with the camera problems the last few days has been one of the hi-lights (if not the hi-light) of my trip so far. I spent 3 nights in a small village (Ban Na Hin) that acts as the gateway to Tham Lot Kong Lo cave. This cave is actually a 3 mile tunnel through a ridge with a river flowing through it. You hire a boat to take you on the two hour journey through the cave and back again. It was a unique experience and everyone in the group I was with agreed that it was one of the better things they'd done in their travels. After the cave trip I decided I liked Ban Na Hin enough to stay an extra day. Anyway, it was such a wonderful trip that even breaking my camera on the way didn't spoil it.

I'll have a fast connection and plenty of time in Bangkok tomorrow so I plan to post a whole bunch of pictures (finally). If all goes well I should be able to get to Bangkok and back in 2 days to continue the Laos trip.


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