Monday, December 01, 2003

Made it to Pakse this morning. My first week in Laos has been great.

The crossing from Cambodia was a breeze and my first stop in Laos was Don Det island, only 30 mins or so from the border. Don Det was incredible. I stayed in a bungalow built right over the edge of the Mekong. There is no real town on Don Det, just a 2 mile long dirt path with groups of homes and guesthouses scattered here and there along it's length. The only electricity comes from automobile batteries connected to lights for a couple hours in the evening. Altogether a great place to relax. I stayed there for 3 nights and wish I'd spent another day or two.

From Don Det I took a short trip up the river to Don Khong island where I stayed 2 nights. Don Khong is much larger than Don Det with several actual towns. I spent the day there biking around the island.

I spent a lot of time on Don Khong trying to track down information on traveling north by boat, but was unsuccessful and ended up having to take a bus on the next leg to Champasak. Champasak had some very nice Ankor ruins but it wasn't worth staying there more than one night so I caught another bus up to Pakse this morning.

Tomorrow I'm going to head out for a side trip into the Bolavan plateau for a day or two then I'll be back in Pakse for a night.

The internet connection is very slow right now so no pictures. I'll try to post a couple later today though.


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