Saturday, March 27, 2004

Sorry for the lack of updates the last couple days. By the time I discovered the internet cafe in Rameswaram yesterday it was pretty much too late for me to upload any pictures before I had to catch my train.

Rameswaram is a great little town on an island that juts out towards Sri Lanka. The town life completely revolves around the Ramanathaswamy temple, one of the most important pilgrimage sites in India.

I would have liked to have spent more time exploring the town but it was really too hot to do much more than sit around under the fan in my room. On Friday I did manage to take a bus down towards the end of the island then walked the last 4 km out to the ruined town of Danushkodi at the eastern tip. Luckily there was a nice sea breeze the whole way otherwise I don't think I would have made it.

This morning I made it to Pondicherry after an (unusually miserable) overnight train ride to Villupuram followed by a short bus ride from there. I plan to stay here for a night or two before moving north to my next stop. I'd planned to head to Mamalapuram for a couple nights after Pondicherry but I may go to Vellore instead since I haven't been there before.


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