Thursday, March 25, 2004

This morning I went to the train station and booked tickets for the rest of my trip. Except for a couple trains where I am currently waitlisted the rest of my trip is pretty much set in stone now. Kind of strange for me to be planning things that far in advance but it's the only way I can guarantee that I can fit in everything else I want to accomplish before I leave.

After that I wandered around the old city some more then finally went to see the huge Sri Meenakshi temple. Good thing I didn't get here a day later. Tomorrow there are a bunch of weddings in the temple and it will be closed to all non-Hindus.

Tomorrow morning I have to get up very early to catch a 4:30 AM train to Rameswaram. I'm only spending one night there before heading north to Pondicherry.


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