Sunday, October 30, 2005

Shanti guesthouse.

OK, so maybe the final bit of my last post should have read next couple weeks instead of days.

These pictures are all in and around Shanti guesthouse. Somehow on all my previous stays there I'd managed not to take any pictures of my Hampi home away from home.

These final shots show the area outside of the Shanti. You can just see the guesthouse itself off on the right in the second one.

That's it for now. One more Hampi post left to go.

Sunday, October 23, 2005

Never seen this before.

Amazingly enough, considering I've now been to Hampi five times, there were still plenty of things I hadn't seen before. Here are a few pictures of some sights that were new to me on this most recent visit.

The flooded "underground temple" in the second shot was particularly cool. The temple isn't really underground, rather it's just located in a depression that was dug out of the ground. The flooding must have been accounted for in the design as there were channels cut in the floor that were clearly intended to carry water around the temple.

The temples in these other pictures are right outside the entrance to Hampi bazaar itself. I've walked by both of these before but somehow managed not to explore either of them.

I've got some more pictures to post. Rather than put them up all at once I'm going to break them into themes and post them over the next couple days. Maybe this will get me in the blogging mood again.

Tuesday, October 11, 2005

Stupid Rickshaw Tricks.

Just got back from a weekend in Hampi. Off to work in a couple minutes. Pictures later.

This morning on the way back from the train station I finally got into an Auto-Rickshaw fender-bender. No damage other than a rip in my pants and the trip home ended up costing less than it would have with the original predator driver. So it pretty much balanced out.
All photographs copyright Brian A. Wilcox unless otherwise noted.

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