Friday, January 20, 2006

Photo Dump

Time for one last post before I break down my computer and pack it up for shipping. These are just a few pictures from the past year that I never posted.

First some shots from around my neighborhood. Some of these were meant for the theme posts I promised back in the spring that never quite worked out.

Some miscellaneous shots from around Bangalore...

And finally, some pictures my most-visited restaurants. These are all right near my apartment. I ate most of my meals over the past year at these places.

My next post will be from Thailand next week. I should be back to more regular blogging one the traveling starts up again.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

you need to cross out working and add walking again LOL.

I look forward to your travels and hope you have a great time!


Thursday, January 26, 2006 12:42:00 AM  

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