Tuesday, May 10, 2005

Catching up.

I finally got the chance to go through my pictures from the wedding two weekends ago. Unfortunately not a single picture of the ceremony itself is good enough to post - without exception they are all either out of focus or capture such fascinating items as the back of assorted people's heads.

The one picture that did come out OK was this group shot. Most of the people in this picture are from work, however there are only a few that I actually interact with. The bride and groom are the two standing up right in the middle. Hopefully no-one will mind me posting this.

I also took a few pictures in downtown Pune on Saturday afternoon (my camera always seems to do better with outdoor shots). I liked the building in the shot below a lot. It seems to have a little bit of everything wrapped up in one neat little package. Although you can't make it out in this shot it even has a Barista (insert obligatory chocolate cake comment here).

In other news, I enjoyed the trip to Mysore this past weekend. It was kind of nice to travel in style for a change. I'll post some picture in the next couple of days (stop rolling your eyes!)


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All photographs copyright Brian A. Wilcox unless otherwise noted.

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