Saturday, April 02, 2005

Some (lousy) pictures.

The pictures probably aren't really worth posting, but I want to get something up and I haven't managed to take anything better yet. Nothing too exciting - just my apartment building and the Barista on MG road.

Today I went out apartment hunting with some help from the manager of the group I'm working with. The place I'm in isn't bad but it's kind of in the middle of nowhere and is very expensive for what I'm getting. I found a place I like right in Koramangala, which is a very nice and rather trendy neighborhood (kind of like Manayunk to Philadelphia). The apartment is quite a bit smaller than my current place but it's alot nicer and I think I'll be much more comfortable there. I'm supposed to be going back on Monday to put a down payment on it to hold in until my month here is up.


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