Wednesday, April 07, 2004

First, here are a couple more pictures from Vijayawada that I took after my last post.

Gopalpur-on-Sea was great. It was a small, relaxing seaside town with nothing much to do except lounge around. Exactly what I was looking forward to after the previous week of rushing around. I even considered canceling my tickets up to Darjeeling and running out the rest of my trip there but I didn't really need an extra 5 days on the beach. I didn't take too many pictures in Gopalpur but here are a couple.

Finally, here are a couple pictures from Kolkata (Calcutta) that I took this morning when I arrived. I'm just here for the day waiting for my train up to Siliguri for Darjeeling tonight.

Enough for now. I can't believe I only have 5 days left here.


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