Friday, April 09, 2004

I made it to Darjeeling yesterday afternoon. It's nice to be back to see the first place I visited in India 10 years ago even though the weather has been pretty awful. The city is buried in clouds and it's been raining off and on since I got here. I managed to wander around a bit between showers today and took a couple pics.

I still don't have a confirmed ticket yet, but the Chief Reservation Supervisor in Siliguri is supposedly working on an emergency or other concession for me. These guys are supposed to be pretty good at this so there's a good chance I'll be on the train tomorrow night. However, this means I have to head back down there earlier tomorrow than I'd planned so I lose a half day in Darjeeling (and gain a half day in Siliguri - oh joy). Worst case scenario I cancel my ticket and take an overnight bus tomorrow night. Not the method I'd chose for getting back to Kolkata but I'll live.


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