Tuesday, March 30, 2004

I managed to get one of my two waitlisted train tickets sorted out in Chennai. I'll have to deal with the other one in Siliguri on the way up to Darjeeling. That only took about 15 minutes, but with all the time I spent on busses I didn't get to Kanchipuram until late this afternoon so I didn't have a chance to see much. I'm not too happy with the most of the pictures I took today but, as usual, here are a couple anyway.

Tomorrow morning I'm going to do some more sightseeing in Kanchipuram then head to Vellore sometime tomorrow afternoon. I'm starting to wish I'd given myself another day in Tamil Nadu before heading north. I'm enjoying all the moving around I've been doing so I'm not sure if I really need 3 nights each in Gopalpur-on-Sea and Darjeeling.


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