Friday, April 02, 2004

I'm glad I decided to stop in Vijayawada for the day. It's a pretty big town but it's nestled between the Krishna river on the south and a series of rocky hills to the north. In the right spots its very picturesque, although I don't have many pictures to show this yet. I'm going to try to get some more before I leave but in the meantime here are a couple from this afternoon.

I'll be in Gopalpur-on-Sea for the next 3 days. There is a good possibility I won't be able to post while I'm there - the LP says that it's a pretty small village with few amenities such as internet access. Of course that info is a couple years out of date now so we'll see. After Gopalpur I head up to Darjeeling, although I have to spend a day in Kolkata on the way up.


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