Saturday, March 19, 2005

Settling In

I guess there's no need to explain that I'm now working in Bangalore since anyone
reading this blog probably already knows that.

I arrived very early Thursday morning and was met at the airport by people from my apartment and brought directly here. It was kind of nice having everything pre-arranged, especially considering how much stuff I brought with me.

The apartment I'm in is nice. There are two bedrooms, two bathrooms, a large living/dining area, and the kitchen. Definitely a step or two up from the accommodations I'm used to from my travels. In fact, this place is a big step up from the apartment I used to live in in Portland back before I went walkabout. I'll post some pictures one of these days.

This afternoon the Internet connection in my room was turned on. Considering where I am its amazing they were able to get it done so quickly. BTW, my computer caused quite a stir coming through customs at the Bangalore airport. They are used to laptops but someone arriving with an entire PC and monitor seemed to be something new. After about 20 minutes I managed to convince them that I really was going to take it with me when I leave so they let me go without having to pay any import duty on it.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Up a step or two, lets get real. Do you remember the place in Agra in 94 - complete with 10 inch millipede, broken electricity and creaky fan, mosquito infested shower, the 3s experienced, the heat and the hours spent listening to the noise in the street - and the fact that we actually stayed at that place for days - and liked it - sounds more like 1000 steps up (or should I even mention siliguri). Place sounds huge - lookin forward to some photos. HB by the way.

Saturday, March 19, 2005 8:15:00 AM  
Blogger Brian said...

You actually liked the place in Agra?! I only stayed past the first night because the room was practically free.

Saturday, March 19, 2005 10:55:00 AM  

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