Sunday, April 10, 2005

More pictures of my first apartment.

Since I'll be moving next weekend this is really the last chance I have to post some pictures of the current apartment. So yesterday I finally took some shots of the both the inside of my apartment and the area around where I'm living.

The first shot shows some shops on Sarjapur road. The big grey building behind the trees is my apartment building. Off to the left you can see the "Classic Department Stores" which is actually the local grocery store.

The architecture of the building itself is pretty interesting. The major hallways are wide and open to the air, and there are large vertical shafts running from top to bottom. You can see in the second shot how some of them create the effect of inside alleyways. This layout provides plenty of air circulation which helps cool the apartments, however their are disadvantages. After a rainstorm last week the marble floors in the hallways got very wet and very slippery.

Finally here are a couple pictures of the inside of my apartment itself. I couldn't really get a good one of the bedrooms so these mostly show the living area (of course I pretty much live right here in front of my computer). The first shot shows my dining area and the entrance to the kitchen. The second is looking the other direction and shows the living room.

Finally, it wouldn't be southern India without the kitschy trashcans.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Washington, DC 5/4/05
Hi Brian,
Your mom and dad are here with Joel and me checking out your blog - we need a picture of you! Bethany (Ames)
p.s. I am having a little one in October!

Wednesday, May 04, 2005 7:14:00 PM  

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