Saturday, April 23, 2005

Quick pix.

Didn't do too much today. Went out after lunch and tracked down the local Barista and then ran a few errands (topped off my Kingfisher supply) but thats about it.

I did manage to get out and take a few pictures though. The first one is my apartment building. My balconies are the two directly above the ones with the bamboo screens. The second shot shows the quiet little street I live on. Quite different from my last neighborhood.

I tried to get some of the inside as well but they didn't come out so great. Maybe next time.

I'll be out of town the next two weekends. The manager I work with over here is getting married next weekend and has invited me to his wedding in Pune. Should be fun. And then the week after that Thurman (my manager) will be in Bangalore so I want to take him site-seeing. We'll probably just go Mysore for the weekend since its close and there's plenty to see there.


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