Thursday, February 02, 2006

Leaving Bangkok

Some last pictures from Thailand before I leave for Laos. I ended up staying here for a day longer than I'd planned because I left something in my guesthouse in Kanchanaburi and decided it was important enough to go back to get it. Luckily they had it (and I got an extra meal at Apple's out of it so the day wasn't a total loss).

These first pictures are all panoramic shots from Kanchanaburi.

I thought this garage was kind of cool and worth a few photos. Its the last of the pictures from Kanchanaburi.

Finally here are two pictures from back in Bangkok. The first is Wat Arun lit up at night. The second shot was from the electronics mall where I bought my camera. Four stories of computer and electronics gear. Sticker prices are around what you would pay from EggHead but then you can start bargaining.

I've got to run - time to go catch my bus.


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