Monday, March 06, 2006

Up the Nam Ou

I'm in Udomxai for a couple hours waiting to catch a bus up to Luang Nam Tha and Muang Sing. I have a couple hours to kill and they have an internet cafe here at the bus stand so here are a few pictures from the last 3 weeks.

These first shots are all from the first day on the river up from Luang Prabang to Nong Khiaw.

Next up are a couple of pictures from Nong Khiaw itself.

After a few days in Nong Khiaw I headed up to Muang Ngoi where I spent almost 2 weeks. Didn't do much other than lay in my hammock and read but I did wander out to see the countryside on a couple days.

Yesterday I left Muang Ngoi and spent another day on the river up to Muang Khua and from there caught a van to Udomxai this morning. No pictures from this part of the trip though.


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