Thursday, April 27, 2006

Istanbul - Day 3

Finally left Istanbul today. Since I am congenitally unable to do things the easy way (and since I didn't really care about seeing Gallipoli) I made my way down to Çanakkale on my own rather than signing up for one of the tours.

Yesterday I finally went to see the Aya Sofya church/mosque/museum (take your pick). I think these pics came out OK considering they don't allow tripods (WTF???) or flash photography inside.

Bonus points for anyone who can explain the tripod ban to me. My inner cynic says that by making it difficult to take decent pictures they hope to sell more postcards but there is probably a legitimate reason.

Anyway, in the late afternoon I went over to the Beyoğlu neighborhood north of the Bhosporus to climb the Galata tower. I like the sunset picture below but you'll probably need to crank the brightness on your monitor to see anything.

Tomorrow I'm going to go see Troy and will probably spend another night here before heading further south to Selçuk to see the ruins of Ephesus.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

re tripods, they probably took Day of the Jackal too seriously and thought if it could be done with a crutch, it could be done with a tripod. LOL

Tuesday, May 02, 2006 3:19:00 PM  

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