Friday, April 28, 2006

Yeah, that Troy.

Well Troy, while interesting for the history, has to be one of the most spectacularly un-photogenic places I've visited. I'm glad I went though and here are a couple pictures anyway (just 'cause it's Troy).

Çanakkale itself was OK although there wasn't too much to see there either. That never stopped me from posting pictures before (see above) so here are a couple more taken in town. If you think the Trojan horse statue in this second picture is cheesy you should see the 'replica' at the site itself.

Currently I'm in Ayvalik. I'd originally planned to spend only one night here to break up the journey on the way to my next stop but this is a cool little town so I'm going to stay through tomorrow if not longer. The place I'm staying is fantastic - I'll have to post some pictures tomorrow.


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