Tuesday, December 04, 2007

Catch-up: Tibet To Nepal

I've finally shaken off whatever vicious little bug was lodged in my gut. With the exception of a little weakness from three days with barely any food I'm almost completely recovered so its time to get caught up.

First up is a final HDR shot from Tibet, featuring Everest and some prayer flags (my two favorite Tibet subjects). I had some other HDRs but they didn't come out as well I don't want to overdo it by posting too many.

Moving on, these next couple shots are from Zhangmu on the Tibet side of the border.

I'd wanted to do a Tibet wrap up, but I really don't have as much to say as I did after Mongolia. Although I loved Tibet nothing really leaps out at me. I do have one thing to say though (and pardon my french). The Chinese government can go f itself for what it has done to the Tibetan people and culture. Particularly its continuing sinofication policy that has resulted in most cities, including Lhasa, now having a "Tibetan quarter" in an otherwise Han Chinese majority city.

After my day in Zhangmu I got up in the morning, had a quick breakfast, and headed across the border to Nepal. Turns out I should have gotten moving faster as the trip to Kathmandu ended up taking much longer than I'd anticipated, especially because traffic in Kathmandu at rush hour is a nightmare now. All in all I enjoyed it though because I was so thrilled to be back in the first country I travelled in back in 1994. The first bus ride, from the border town of Kodari down to Barabise was the best part as I finally got a chance to ride on the roof of a local bus, something I wanted to do but missed out on last time. It ended up being the most comfortable bus ride I've ever taken in all my travels as the roof was loaded with big bundles of something soft (clothing maybe) that made for very cushy seating.

I haven't taken any pictures since I've been in Kathmandu so there's nothing to show after the bus ride down. I plan to get out and have a look around tomorrow so there should be plenty coming in the next day or so though.


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