Saturday, December 08, 2007

This Blog Has Gotten Lame

Once again I apologize for how lame this blog has become since I came to Nepal. I haven't taken a whole lot of pictures because I haven't been off doing much sightseeing.

Earlier this week I went on a two day whitewater rafting trip (what better way could there be to recover from being ill). The river was too rough to take my camera but I took a few pictures from the land. All in all it was a great trip. The rapids were not the toughest I've ever done (at this time of year they were mostly high class III), but they were non-stop for the roughly 5 hours we spent on the river each day.

Then yesterday and today I wandered down to Durbar square and did a bit of sightseeing. These pictures are all from yesterday - I'll post more tomorrow.

I should have more pictures over the next few days, however Monday or Tuesday I am heading up to Pokhara where I will do a short (5-7 day) trek and I doubt I'll have Internet access during the trek.


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