Monday, August 31, 2009

Back In Gilli Trawangan

I'm back from the Live-aboard trip. The diving was fantastic and I've got some pictures to post. I haven't had time to sort through them yet but look for them in the next day or two.

Thursday, August 20, 2009


I've just had a 3 day break from the course I'm taking because the dive shop's helium shipment was delayed. Since we couldn't do any training dives I had a couple days of normal diving. Tomorrow it's back to the deep dives so today I had a nice "light" warm-up Tec dive to 55 meters.

For now, here are the only remotely worthwhile pictures I managed to take yesterday.

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Plan B

The Live-aboard I was signed up for was canceled at the last minute due to a couple of people backing out. I'm going on the next trip instead, but that doesn't leave until the 23'rd. In the meantime I'm going to continue my Tec training with the TDI Advanced Trimix course. So, don't expect any content in the next week or so (possibly not until I get back from the live-aboard, but I'll try to post something before then).

Anyway, this blog is about to become even more boring than usual.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009


I haven't been carrying my camera on most dives for the past few days - thus the lack of posts. And there's about to be another big gap in my posting as I leave on Thursday for a week long live-aboard to the Komodo islands

In the meantime, here are a few pictures from my dives in Bali and Lombok that I never got around to posting.

I expect to have lots to post after the trip. The diving around Komodo is supposed to be the best in Indonesia.

Friday, August 07, 2009

Tunang Wall & Han's Reef

Only the first shot here is from my deep dive on Tunang Wall. The rest are from another dive at Han's Reef.

Tomorrow morning I'm diving the Japanese patrol boat wreck again.

Thursday, August 06, 2009

Some Reefs & A Wreck

To start out with, here are a few pictures from some more reef dives I've done around Gili Trawangan since the last post. Most of these are from this afternoon's dive at Sunset reef, which is rapidly becoming my favorite spot to dive here as the coral is in great shape and hosts lots of interesting critters.

This morning I jumped back into the Tec diving with a warm-up dive to visit the wreck of a Japanese patrol boat lying at 45 meters (150 feet) off the coast of Lombok itself. Visibility was much better than on any of the deep dives I did in Thailand so I actually managed to get a few pictures.

Tomorrow morning I'm continuing the Tec diving with a wall dive to around 55 meters.

Tuesday, August 04, 2009

Bounty Reef, Shark Point, Deep Turbo & Sunset Reef

These pictures are from some of my dives yesterday...

...and today...

Unfortunately none of my pictures of the four sharks I saw today came out but maybe next time.

Monday, August 03, 2009

Lombok: Hans Reef

I'm staying on the island of Gili Trawangan off the the north-west coast of Lombok. So far I've done four dives, the best of which was a night dive last night (of course I decided not to bring my camera on that one). Most of the dives here have been in fairly strong currents which makes photography somewhat hit or miss, but here are a few from my first dive at a reef off Gili Air.

Surface Interval: Amed

Before I start dumping pictures from the Lombok dives here are a few from the surface from my stay in Amed to break things up.

All photographs copyright Brian A. Wilcox unless otherwise noted.

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