Monday, December 06, 2010

Still In Kathmandu

As usual I'm slower getting moving than planned. I've got my permits now and plan to leave for the Annapurna Circuit trail-head by Wednesday.

In the meantime, I wandered over to Swanambunath yesterday for a little stair climbing practice.

This will probably be my last post until I get to Pokhara which could be weeks depending on how much I'm enjoying the hiking.

Saturday, December 04, 2010

More Simalins

I'm in Kathmandu now, but here's one more post from my diving in the Simalin Islands.

Hopefully I'll only be in Kathmandu for a couple of nights while I arrange my trekking permit for Annapurna, although I may spend an additional night or two in nearby Bhaktapur. I plan to start my trekking with the Annapurna circuit (what's left of it at least) and see what happens from there.
All photographs copyright Brian A. Wilcox unless otherwise noted.

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