Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Crabs, Crabs, and More Crabs

I'm back in Khao Lak between my Similan Islands liveaboards. I really enjoyed the last trip - it was probably the best of the 4 I've done here even though it rained the whole time. We even saw a whale shark at Richelieu rock, something that is quite rare for the Similans and was only the second I've seen.

Anyway, here are some pictures of crabs I took on this trip. Most of them are species who's names I haven't gotten around to learning yet.

Monday, March 21, 2011

Andaman Nudis

For my last post from the Andamans here are some of the better shots of Nudibranchs that I've taken over the course of the trip.

I'm currently in Port Blair. I'll be heading for the airport shortly to catch my flight to Kolkata where I have a 12 hour layover before heading back to Thailand.

Monday, March 14, 2011

More Miscellaneous Aquatic Critters

And here's another photo dump. These are a pretty much random collection of images taken over the past 2 weeks that I've been meaning to post.

In other news I have less than a week left in the Andamans before I head back to Thailand for a bit more diving in the Similans. After that I start the process of heading home in early April (although there will, of course, be more diving in the Caribbean before returning to Portland).

Sunday, March 06, 2011

Update and Photo Catch-Up

I'm still not sick of the diving on the Andamans - in fact, with the exception of today, the past week has seen some of the best diving I've done the whole trip. Since I'm enjoying it so much I've extended my permit and will be staying here for another two weeks.

Yesterday I did my first ever 'proper' dawn dive, beginning the dive about 20 minutes before sunrise. I was dubious about a dive that required setting my alarm for 3 AM but it was more than worth it. The pre-dawn light and crystal clear water made for a surreal dive in a high-contrast black-and-white landscape. It was simply amazing and I'm already signed up for another one in a few days. Unfortunately there are no decent pictures because of the dim light.

Anyway, on to the pictures. I've been meaning to post most of these for a while but they didn't fit with any of the recent theme posts. The last few are more recent pictures that I couldn't resist posting (the Moray shot, which I love, in particular).

The past week has been very good for photography so I should have a bunch more to post once I finish sorting though them.
All photographs copyright Brian A. Wilcox unless otherwise noted.

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