Saturday, May 31, 2014

Ten Thousand And Change

Not dives of course - I've now taken over 10000 pictures + videos in the 2 years I've had this camera. Which is absurd. I blame Lembeh.

Monday, May 26, 2014

More From Pulau Weh

Still enjoying the diving here. Batu Tokong in particular is an amazing site - on a typical dive there you'll see several octopus and dozens of morays. Plus larger fish hunting in the current and lots of miscellaneous macro critters on the reef.

Yesterday I had a chance to dive the Sophie Rickmers, the local WWII freighter wreck. The first dive on it was a single tank 'recreational' deco dive to 50 meters (165 feet) but on Wednesday I'm going to do a proper dive on it with twins, gas switching, and the whole shebang so we can go a bit deeper and stay a bit longer.

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Getting Started

I'm enjoying the diving in Pulau Weh quite a bit. Gapang, the 'town' where I'm staying is very relaxed. Here are a few pictures from my first few days of diving.

Sunday, May 18, 2014

One Thousand and Change

So I'm off on the next trip. Last week I had a few days in Thailand while waiting for my Indonesia visa. I thought I'd try something new this year so I went to Koh Phi Phi (near Phuket) instead of Koh Tao. The diving was only OK, and the visibility was surprisingly bad, but sure beat sitting around in Bangkok for a week. My first dive in Phi Phi was my 1000'th which was a nice milestone. Sadly I don't have any decent pictures from that dive (sorry Dad) bad here are a few from other dives that week.

Anyway, the trip started for real yesterday with my arrival in Indonesia. I'm currently in Pulau Weh, an island off the far north western tip of Sumatra. I had my first two dives here today, but haven't had a chance to go through the pictures yet. There should be plenty coming though - I plan to stay here for about 3 weeks until I have to fly to Bali to catch the Komodo Dancer on the 11'th of June.

All photographs copyright Brian A. Wilcox unless otherwise noted.

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