Thursday, August 28, 2014

Let The Nudibranch Pictures Resume

OK, so these pictures from around Puerto Galera aren't all of Nudibranchs, and I even snuck in a wide-angle shot. But expect mostly macro for a while. And expect it to get even worse at the end of September since I'll be finishing this trip with a return to Lembeh.

Saturday, August 23, 2014

Yap Wrap

I've been slowly working my way through my remaining pictures from Yap and found a surprising number of worthwhile shots (I particularly like the one of the school of Blue-Fin Trevally). So here's one more Yap post that I didn't expect to be making.

Puerto Galera diving is still good. It's been nice giving my macro lens a workout after a month of wide angle photography in Micronesia. So expect Nudibranch pictures to commence shortly...

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Manta Manta Manta

So, finally some pictures of Mantas from Yap. These are all from the same dive and in fact all three of them feature the same Manta (along with a friend in the last one).

In other news, I'm now in Puerto Galera in the Philippines. Just got here yesterday after two days travel from Yap and had my first dives today. Visibility wasn't great today but I can already tell I'm going to love the diving here.

Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Quick Yap Post

It's about time for some pictures from Yap. Unfortunately I haven't taken too many here (and have been extra lazy about organizing those few I have taken) so there are only a few.

Although I've seen quite a few Mantas most of them have been quick drive-byes, often in poor visibility, which hasn't made for great photos. That has changed in the last few days though so I should have a post of just Manta pictures at some point. And Friday we're doing a shark feed dive (my first) so hopefully there will be some good shots of that mayhem too.

Thursday, August 07, 2014

Best Of Truk

(or at least best of the last week of Truk)

There's a chance I'll do one more Truk post at some point. I still have quite a few pictures from the middle of my two weeks there that I haven't taken more than a cursory glance at yet, so there may be a few more pictures that are worth posting. In the meantime, I started off pretty disappointed with the diving in Yap but the last couple days have been much better. Visibility has been absolutely spectacular now that we're able to dive the south end and west side of the island which is helping a lot.

Friday, August 01, 2014

Truk Picture Dump

I almost called this post 'So Long and Tanks For All The Fish', but that would have been a bit much.

Unfortunately I'm done with diving in Truk. But, since I'm off to Yap for more diving with Mantas next, I suppose I'll survive. I'll have one more Truk post up with some of my favorite recent pictures but wanted to toss these ones out there in the meantime. If anyone is interested, the pictures of the tank and the stern gun were both taken deep (50 meters or so) but the rest are all from dives at least near recreational depths.

That's enough for now. Look for the final Truk post in a few days.
All photographs copyright Brian A. Wilcox unless otherwise noted.

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