Monday, October 27, 2003


I successfully found the local Pasteur clinic in Saigon and had my final shot today. I'm glad that's over with. Not only am I finally done having people poke me with needles but now I can finally stop scheduling things around the shots.

No pictures today. I took a couple this afternoon while I was wandering around the city but nothing worth posting.

I think I'm going to cut the Saigon visit short and head up to Mui Ne beach tomorrow. I didn't think I was going to have the chance but if I cut out a day in Saigon and a day from the Mekong delta trip it seems like it will work out. I'll have to take an organized tour of the Mekong rather than doing it on my own but that won't be too bad. With only a week left in Vietnam it probably makes sense to cram in as much as I possibly can and the organized tours do help to fit in more in a shorter time at least.


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