Thursday, February 16, 2006

Disappearing Act

I'm starting a loop through northern and northwestern Laos tomorrow and expect to be off in unwired parts of the country for a couple weeks at least. Not sure when I'll be around an intenet connection so this will likely be the last post for a while.

Here are a few pictures from Luang Prabang to tide you over in the meantime...

The pictures and writeup from my trip up the Nam Ou last time are here.

Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Women and Umbrellas.

I finally dragged myself out of Vang Vieng and made my way up to Luang Prabang. I'll probably stick around here tomorrow then head up the river to Nong Khiaw on Friday.

Here are one final shot from Vang Vang that I liked and a first from Luang Prabang that goes with it.

Hopefully I will have more to post tomorrow. After that I'll likely be offline for quite awhile.

Saturday, February 11, 2006

Driven indoors.

It's pouring out so I've been driven inside. Since I have to be indoors anyway I might as well take the time to post some pictures (so ignore that last post).

First up are a couple of shots from my day in Vientienne.

Next are some pictures taken on one of my tubing trips. The river stops have turned into full fledged bars with massive rope swings and ziplines. It's quite a change from two years ago. Jumping! Beerlao! is still in operation though.

And finally, some pictures from around Vang Vieng. Mostly the town itself isn't very picturesqe now as they are ripping up all the streets to put in a sewer system. Have managed to take a few pictures though.

Nothing to see here.

Still in Vang Vieng. Still haven't taken any pictures worth posting. I'll be here another day or two then I'm heading up to Luang Prabang.

Saturday, February 04, 2006


In Vang Vieng now. Time to relax on the river for a few days. Not sure how much I will have to post while I am here.

Thursday, February 02, 2006

Leaving Bangkok

Some last pictures from Thailand before I leave for Laos. I ended up staying here for a day longer than I'd planned because I left something in my guesthouse in Kanchanaburi and decided it was important enough to go back to get it. Luckily they had it (and I got an extra meal at Apple's out of it so the day wasn't a total loss).

These first pictures are all panoramic shots from Kanchanaburi.

I thought this garage was kind of cool and worth a few photos. Its the last of the pictures from Kanchanaburi.

Finally here are two pictures from back in Bangkok. The first is Wat Arun lit up at night. The second shot was from the electronics mall where I bought my camera. Four stories of computer and electronics gear. Sticker prices are around what you would pay from EggHead but then you can start bargaining.

I've got to run - time to go catch my bus.
All photographs copyright Brian A. Wilcox unless otherwise noted.

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