Friday, March 31, 2006

More Vang Vieng

I didn't take too many pictures during my Kayaking trip the other day but here are a few.

I had planned to leave Vang Vieng today or tomorrow but the weather has been really lousy for the past 4 days and I'd like one last day on the river before I leave. So it looks like I'll be here for a couple more days at least.

Monday, March 27, 2006

Vang Vieng

Here are a few photos from around Vang Vieng.

Tomorrow I'm planning on a Kayaking trip. It will be on the same river as the tubing but starts further up and there are other activities (mostly caves) during the day so it should make for a nice change.

Friday, March 24, 2006

Pictures From The Road.

I don't have any pictures to post from Vang Vieng yet but I do have some from the bus trip from Luang Prabang that I've been meaning to post.

These pictures are from a small mountain village where we had to stop while the driver changed a blown tire.

Later on, during the lunch stop the tire was laid to rest at this colorful tire shop.

I have a few old pictures I want to post and also some more Vang Vieng pics so there should be some more posts over the next few days.

Not exactly sure what I'm going to do next. My visa is up in @ 10 days but I see another extension happening. For now, I'm in no hurry to leave Vang Vieng.

Saturday, March 18, 2006

Back In Luang Prabang

I'm back in Luang Prabang after two nights in Pakbeng and a day on the Mekong. I'm only going to spend one night here then I'm heading back to Vang Vieng.

These first pictures below are from my two days in Pakbeng.

And here are a couple from the boat today...

This last picture is from the Udomxai bus station a few days back. Mmmm, yummy grilled entrails and mystery meats for breakfast!

Not sure how often I'll be posting from Vang Vieng but I'll try to do better this time.

Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Stuck in Udomxai

I got into Udomxai too late to make a connection to Pakbeng so I'm stuck here for the night. Not too thrilled about that as the town doesn't have much of interest outside of easy transportation connections. Also the food pretty much sucks here.

Unlike on my previous trip I did manage to get out and take a few pictures from around town this time though.

Also, today is a bit of a milepost for me as it was one year ago today that I left the states.

Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Luang Nam Tha

Here are a bunch of shots from my time in Luang Nam Tha. This first batch are all from in and around the newer northern part of town where I am staying.

Yesterday I hired a bike and rode down to see the southern part of town and surrounding area.

I'm leaving tomorrow to work my way back to Luang Prabang via Pakbeng. I'm hoping to make it all the way to Pakbeng tomorrow w/out having to spend a night in Uodomxai.

Sunday, March 12, 2006

Muang Sing

I'm back in Luang Nam Tha. Muang Sing was an OK place to spend a couple days, but I'm not really sure what the attraction is. There were lots of travelers there but the town really isn't all that interesting.

The town isn't all that photogenic and I took less than a dozen pictures the whole time I was there. None of them are all that great but here are two just for the sake of posting something from there.

I'm going to stick around Luang Nam Tha for another day or two. I do have a bunch of pictures from here that I'll post before I leave.

Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Someplace new.

I'm in Luang Nam Tha now which is the first place I've been on this trip that I haven't visited before. Very nice here and I plan to spend a couple days on my way back from Muang Sing where I'm headed shortly.

No pictures today. I should have a bunch to post when I get back from Muang Sing in a few days.

Monday, March 06, 2006

Up the Nam Ou

I'm in Udomxai for a couple hours waiting to catch a bus up to Luang Nam Tha and Muang Sing. I have a couple hours to kill and they have an internet cafe here at the bus stand so here are a few pictures from the last 3 weeks.

These first shots are all from the first day on the river up from Luang Prabang to Nong Khiaw.

Next up are a couple of pictures from Nong Khiaw itself.

After a few days in Nong Khiaw I headed up to Muang Ngoi where I spent almost 2 weeks. Didn't do much other than lay in my hammock and read but I did wander out to see the countryside on a couple days.

Yesterday I left Muang Ngoi and spent another day on the river up to Muang Khua and from there caught a van to Udomxai this morning. No pictures from this part of the trip though.
All photographs copyright Brian A. Wilcox unless otherwise noted.

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